Research post as Academy Professor, second stage for invited applicants

7 May 2020
16 Jun 2020 16:15 Finnish time
1 September 2021–31 August 2026
  • Over the five-year term, the salary grant amounts to 798,750 euros per Academy Professor, which corresponds to a monthly salary of 9,100 euros. The funding recipients may later apply for funding for research costs with a separate application.
  • The aim of the present call is to provide funding to up to 10 new Academy Professors.

Applicants for funding for a research post as Academy Professor must have demonstrated excellence in research and must contribute to the development of their field as a whole, both during and after their professorship.

The posts are intended for leading-edge researchers for fixed-term, full-time research and related tasks. Academy Professors pursue their own research plan, supervise their team and provide guidance to junior researchers.

The Academy Professor call has two stages. The full applications submitted at the second stage will be reviewed by panels in early autumn 2020. Applicants will have an opportunity to comment on their review reports before the decisions are made. The Academy’s General Subcommittee will decide the new Academy Professors in late autumn 2020.

At the core of the Academy of Finland’s activities is to provide funding for excellent scientific research. The research we fund is expected to have high scientific and social impact. The results of Academy-funded projects must be made public and they must be produced following good scientific practice. In other words, the research must be ethical, follow the principles of sustainable development and make its results, material and data openly accessible. Equality and non-discrimination must also be considered.

Before you fill in your application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the ‘Read more’ section, especially the funding terms and conditions. If the call text and the funding terms and conditions conflict, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary.

Read the full call text below.Click on the link below to print the text or save it in PDF format.

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