Whistleblower protection at the Research Council of Finland

The Finnish Whistleblower Act (1171/2022) aims to provide effective protection for whistleblowers who, in the course of their work, detect breaches of European or national laws, such as in public procurement, the protection of privacy and personal data, the security of network and information systems, or the granting or use of EU or national aid or state aid. The Act implements the European Union directive on the protection of whistleblowers.

Whistleblower protection allows people to safely report breaches. Not only is their identity protected, but the Whistleblower Act also prohibits retaliation against the whistleblower. For example, an employer cannot weaken the conditions of the whistleblower’s employment, terminate their employment or lay off the whistleblower as a result of the whistleblowing. Protection against retaliatory measures is also provided to the employer of the whistleblower or to legal persons to whom the whistleblower is linked through their work.

The Office of the Chancellor of Justice has established a centralised external whistleblowing channel. Persons outside the Academy of Finland, such as former employees or those employed by the Academy’s partners, may use the external channel to report a breach regarding the activities of the Academy of Finland that they have observed in their work and which falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Act. The Office of the Chancellor of Justice forwards the reports to the competent authority, for example the Academy.

The Academy of Finland has set up an internal whistleblowing channel for Academy staff. Only persons employed by the Academy have access to the channel.

The reports are processed by independent and impartial handlers appointed separately by the Academy. They are bound by the obligation of professional secrecy with regard to the personal data of the whistleblower and the subject of the report. The accuracy of the reports will be checked and, if necessary, measures will be taken to address the breach. The whistleblower will be informed of the measures taken based on the report within three months, or in the case of the external reporting channel for justified reasons within six months, of the receipt of the report.

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