FIRI 2023: roadmap research infrastructures 2021–2024 and international memberships

5 April 2023
26 April 2023 at 16.15 Finnish time
€40m in total in two calls
1 Jan 2024–31 Dec 2028
  • recommended minimum amount for Academy contribution to individual application is €200,000; to consortium subproject €100,000 and to entire consortium €600,000
  • funding for a project related to an international research infrastructure membership, but not for membership fees; separate call (for invited applicants) organised in spring 2023 for international membership fees; no new membership applications invited in 2023
  • applied for by individual research organisation or consortium of research organisations

The Academy of Finland provides funding for the acquisition, establishment, strengthening and upgrading of nationally significant research infrastructures that advance scientific research. The funding, known as FIRI funding, is intended to cover investment costs in the construction phase of the research infrastructure, such as the acquisition of equipment and systems and the formation of services. The funding may also be applied for to significantly upgrade an existing research infrastructure.

Two calls will open in April 2023: a call for roadmap research infrastructures 2021–2024 and projects affiliated with international research infrastructures where Finland is a member (FIRI 2023: roadmap research infrastructures 2021–2024 and international memberships) and a call for research infrastructures not included in the roadmap (FIRI 2023: non-roadmap research infrastructures). In the present call, an international research infrastructure refers to international research infrastructures where Finland is a member through a state treaty or research infrastructures whose membership fee is paid by the Academy of Finland.

The Academy’s total funding budget for these two FIRI 2023 calls comes to at least 40 million euros.

Before you fill in your application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the funding terms and conditions. If the call text and the funding terms and conditions conflict, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary.

If the translated English or Swedish version of the call text is in conflict with the Finnish call text, the Finnish version should always be considered primary.

Read the full call text on this page. Also read all the FIRI guidelines that are available on the Academy’s website.

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