Parts of the application: FIRI
The application consists of forms completed in the online services and PDF appendices. As an applicant, you have the right to submit your application in Finnish or Swedish, but we ask you to submit it in English to facilitate the international review.
Draft the application in the Academy’s online services. Select:
- Open calls > FIRI 2019: Finland’s roadmap infrastructures, international memberships
- Open calls > FIRI 2019: new initiatives, non-roadmap infrastructures.
Please make sure you select the correct call.
The online application consists of the following parts:
Personal data/CV
- Personal details
- Degrees (most recent one first)
- Titles of docent and professorships
- CV appendix following the emplate structure, no more than two pages
Consortium parties (if applicable)
- Details on each party (name, email address, organisation and country)
- Read the guidelines for consortium applications
General information
- Details on the site of research
- Title of research project in English and Finnish/Swedish
- Research fields (at least one, no more than five)
- Keywords in English and Finnish/Swedish
- Maximum length 2,500 characters
- Brief description of the research infrastructure, what it is like and how it serves research. Description of the part of the infrastructure or the purpose for which funding is applied, e.g. acquisition of equipment, database update or service expansion
Most relevant publications
- No more than 20 of the most important publications for the research infrastructure
- You can import publication data from the VIRTA publication information service. VIRTA guidelines
- Details on publications may also be entered manually. Obligatory information: author(s), title, year of publication, name of series/journal
- The complete list of publications by the PI of the research infrastructure is appended to the application under Appendicesin the online services.
- Specify the collaborators of the project (name, organisation, country, brief description of the collaboration)
- ESFRI roadmap research infrastructures
- Other research environments
- Centres of Excellence
- Projects funded under the Flagship Programme
Ethical aspects
- Ethical permission for project (yes/no)
- Found guilty of research misconduct (yes/no)
- We will not process a funding application if the applicant has been found guilty of research misconduct in the three years preceding the year of the call.
Funding for the project
- Funding period, effective working hours, indirect employee costs, overheads percentage and VAT
- Salaries and other costs
- Other funding sources and their funding contributions. You must immediately notify us if you receive funding from other sources for the same purpose after your application to the Academy has been submitted.
- Justifications for the funding to be applied for. The cost estimate must be realistic.
- Consult the administration at your site of research when filling in budget details. Read more about the funding in the call text under Funding to be applied for and funding period.
- Commitment by site of research. Make sure you have a commitment from your site of research (usually a university or research institute) to supporting the project.
Public project description
- Maximum length 1,000 characters
- Reader-friendly and popular description of the application in English and Finnish/Swedish
- What kind of research will the infrastructure facilitate? What is the significance of the research for science and society?
- what kinds of equipment or services does the infrastructure offer for research (instruments, equipment, data networks, databases, etc.)
- What type of research infrastructure is it? (single-sited, distributed, virtual)
- any other interesting aspects
- link to research infrastructure’s website
- if relevant, references to previous publications that are readily available at public libraries or on the internet.
- The public description helps the Academy to disseminate information on the research project.
- If the responsible person is someone other than the organisation’s representative, they must authorise the representative to view or edit parts of the application.
- Start by entering the person’s name in the field.
- The person must have set up an account in the Academy’s online services (SARA).
- You cannot authorise more than one person at a time to edit a field in your application, and you cannot edit that same field while the authorisation is active.
- Do not authorise yourself.
- Technical instructions on the authorisation process are available in the how-to guides for the online services.
Submit the application
- You can submit the application when you have filled in or attached all the necessary information.
- A red warning triangle on the tab tells you that information is missing.
- You can supplement the application until the deadline expires. Resaving will replace the earlier version.
- If you want to supplement the application after the deadline has expired, please get in touch with the call’s contact person.
Appendices to application
Obligatory appendices:
- action plan (see template for Call 1 and template for Call 2), no more than 15 pages
- CV for the person responsible for the application, appended under Personal data/CV, no more than two pages
- CV for the PI of the infrastructure, if not the same person as the person responsible for the application, no more than two pages
- prioritisation list
- data management plan
Case-specific appendices:
- progress report or final report on Academy-funded research infrastructure for which funding is applied
- statement by ethics committee or animal care committee