Authorisation by Flagship director

The aim of the Research Council of Finland’s Proof of Concept Funding is to promote the versatile utilisation of research results resulting from the research projects of Centres of Excellence and Finnish Flagships and to support their commercialisation and/or societal impact.

A flagship director may authorise 1–5 applicants to apply for the Proof of Concept funding. Each applicant, including the subproject PI in a consortium application, counts as one of these five applicants.

It is the responsibility of the flagship director to ensure that the authorised applicants meet the formal requirements of the call. The applicant must have a doctoral degree. The task of the applicant is to promote the utilisation of research results arising from the Flagship’s research.

The authorisation is a free-form appendix in which the flagship director lists 1–5 applicants who are authorised to submit an application.


Name of Flagship

Applicants authorised by the Flagship, in alphabetical order (1–5 names), and the name of their site of research

Signature of flagship director, date

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