AquaticPollutants (Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources) is a joint project by three JPIs (Water JPI, JPI Oceans and JPI AMR). Its theme concerns the behaviour of new and lesser-known pollutants and pathogens in the environment, the development of antimicrobial resistance related to these pollutants and pathogens in freshwater and seawater environments, and their impact on ecosystem and human health.
AquaticPollutants started in January 2020. The ERA-NET Cofund project, funded by 32 countries, is supported by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme during 2020–2024.
AquaticPollutants organised a two-stage call for projects in 2020. The call provided funding for 18 international consortium projects. The total funding was approximately 24.5 million euros. The Research Council of Finland’s Scientific Council for Biosciences, Health and the Environment funded three Finnish subprojects in three consortia with some 750,000 euros.
- REWA - Reduction and assessment of antimicrobial resistance and emerging pollutants in natural-based water treatment systems. Tiina Leiviskä, University of Oulu.
- FOREWARN – Development of a smart forewarning system to assess the occurrence, fate and behaviour of contaminants of emerging concern and pathogens in waters. Leena Maunula, University of Helsinki.
- AMROCE – Nanoenabled strategies to reduce the presence of contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic environment. Tommi Vuorinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
More Information
- AquaticPollutants call website
- Information about the AquaticPollutants call on the WaterJPI website
- Vesa Yli-Pelkonen, Science Adviser, tel. +358 295 335 095
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