FAME – Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling

The FAME Flagship is a multidisciplinary consortium developing applied mathematics and physics methods for societal needs such as medical imaging, industrial process monitoring, testing structures for defects without breaking them, and interpreting satellite data. The generality of mathematics allows for transferring methods from one application area to another.

The Flagship is based on cutting-edge research on inverse problems and works closely with industrial and societal partners. The industrial partners of the FAME Flagship, working in healthcare, clean technology and sustainable environment, will work with the Flagship’s researchers to co-create novel solutions for their technologies. Furthermore, industry goals will give rise to new scientific questions.

Science communication is a focus area of FAME. The researchers will be trained to discuss science with general audiences and young people, which leads to a wider appreciation for science and mathematics. FAME will support economic progress in Finland through strong interaction with industry, training of experts and boosting innovations and start-ups.

  • Director: Professor Tanja Tarvainen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Host organisations: University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, LUT University, University of Jyväskylä, Aalto University, University of Oulu, Tampere University, Finnish Meteorological Institute

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