Education for the Future (EDUCA) Flagship

The Education for the Future (EDUCA) Flagship aims to advance the development of education with research-based knowledge and create a novel research ecosystem for education. The Flagship’s mission is to generate new knowledge and understanding about decreasing learning achievement, increasing dropout rates and the use of digital technology in education.

The multidisciplinary competence cluster aims to create a unique data infrastructure, integrating existing data from educational science, psychology, learning analytics, sociology and economics. The data infrastructure will also serve as a platform for the utilisation of large longitudinal and register data.

EDUCA will generate deeper understanding of the effects of policy reforms and interventions and strengthen teacher and principal competencies. The research will improve our understanding of optimal learning moments and engagement and the ways in which education can better support social and personalised learning processes and more effectively use technology enhanced learning environments in education. It will also facilitate seamless collaboration between learners, teachers, researchers and policymakers.

  • Director: Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä
  • Host organisations: University of Jyväskylä, University of Helsinki, Aalto University and University of Turku

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