Centre of Excellence of Inverse Modelling and Imaging

Inverse Modelling and Imaging

Matti Lassas (University of Helsinki, UH), Heikki Haario (LUT University), Antti Hannukainen (Aalto University, AU), Nuutti Hyvönen (AU), Mikko Kaasalainen (Tampere University, TAU), Jari Kaipio (University of Eastern Finland, UEF), Ville Kolehmainen (UEF), Sampsa Pursiainen (TAU), Mikko Salo (University of Jyväskylä), Aku Seppänen (UEF), Andreas Hauptmann (University of Oulu), Samuli Siltanen (UH), Johanna Tamminen (Finnish Meteorological Institute), Tanja Tarvainen (UEF) and Marko Vauhkonen (UEF)

Inverse modelling is an interdisciplinary field of science that concentrates on the mathematical theory and practical interpretation of indirect measurements. In addition to purely mathematical problems, the research in the Centre of Excellence of Inverse Modelling and Imaging focuses on problems encountered in medical imaging, geophysical prospecting and nondestructive testing. The methods of inverse problems bring the advances of modern mathematics to a vast number of applied areas.

Also, inverse modelling applications inspire new and deep mathematical questions closely connected to other sciences. Inverse problems research is one of the most important and topical fields of contemporary applied mathematics.

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