Progress report and interim report
If an applicant has ongoing Research Council funding for which no final report has yet been submitted, they must fill in a progress report on each unreported funding decision as part of the application. In the progress report, describe the progress and/or key achievements of the project and how the project is related to the funding being applied for.
In some funding opportunities, we may require an interim report during the course of the funded project. The interim report is completed in the online services, and its format follows the format of the final report. The interim report does not replace the final report. However, an interim report submitted previously may be used as the basis for a new interim or final report.
To fill in the interim report, go to the tab ‘Reports’ under the original funding decision. Select ‘Show projects to be reported’ (if reporting has not been started) or continue filling in an incomplete report. Fill in the required information and submit the report.
The interim report does not replace the final report, but an interim report submitted earlier can be used as the basis for a new interim or final report.