Major updates and changes coming to Academy of Finland’s mobility funding calls in autumn 2022
The Academy of Finland considers both physical and virtual researcher mobility as well as changing working environments important factors in promoting international interactions in science and research. The Academy has therefore continued to develop its mobility-related funding opportunities even during the coronavirus pandemic. Changes will also be made to the Academy’s mobility calls this year as a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
Below is a summary of updates and changes that will be made in autumn 2022 to the Academy’s mobility calls:
No mobility calls with Russia
The Academy of Finland’s mobility calls with Russia were based on a bilateral agreement with the Russian Academy of Sciences concluded by the Academy in the 1990s. As a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Academy has suspended all official cooperation with Russia. The Academy will therefore not open any mobility calls between Finland and Russia at this time.
Changes to funding for cooperation with Japan
In 2020, the Academy introduced a new model for its mobility funding with China. This year, a similar reform will be implemented with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The funding opportunity for joint Finnish-Japanese seminars will be discontinued; instead, funding will be available for mobility between joint projects. The funding for the mobility between projects will be implemented with a so-called counterpart model. According to the model, each party to the research cooperation shall send a matching application to its own funding agency.
Similarly, the Academy will no longer open calls for applications for personal travel grants to Japan. However, the Academy will still act as an intermediary for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships. A separate call will be opened for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships alongside other mobility calls.
The Academy of Finland’s bilateral mobility funding promotes the international interactions of Finnish researchers as well as the internationalisation of Finnish research environments and thereby strengthens the quality of Finnish research. The mobility funding is intended only for direct travel and living expenses arising from mobility. Funding for actual research cooperation must be obtained from other sources.
The Academy’s mobility calls concern China, Germany, Japan and Taiwan. The call texts will be published in June 2022. Applications are invited between 25 August and 28 September 2022.
More information:
- Ulla Ellmén, Science Adviser (Germany, Japan, Taiwan), tel. +358 295 335 011
- Siru Oksa, Senior Science Adviser (China), tel. +358 295 335 125
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