Funding applications to Academy of Finland’s September call up slightly on last year

12 Oct 2018

The Academy of Finland received a total of 3,313 applications in the September 2018 call, which closed on Monday 1 October. The number of applications increased slightly on last year’s figure, 3,218.

The total number for 2018 includes consortium subprojects as separate applications. If each consortium is counted as a single application, the total number of applications was 2,961.

Academy Project funding was the most popular funding opportunity with 1,378 applications (1,222 in 2017). A total of 495 applications were submitted for Academy Project funding for early-career researchers. 517 researchers applied for funding for a research post as Academy Research Fellow (510 in 2017) and 790 researchers applied for funding for a research post as Postdoctoral Researcher (782 in 2017).

The Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering received the most applications, 1,102 in total (992 in 2017). The Research Council for Biosciences, Health and the Environment received 937 applications (in 2017, the Research Council for Biosciences and Environment and the Research Council for Health together received 936 applications). The Research Council for Culture and Society received a total of 879 applications (814 in 2017). See the attached table for instrument-specific figures.

The funding decisions on the September call will be made in April–June 2019. The decision dates will be posted on our website as information becomes available.

For more information about specific funding opportunities, please get in touch with the contact persons named in the call text.

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