International cooperation
The Scientific Council supports high-quality, researcher-initiated international cooperation and researcher mobility through the Academy Project and Academy Research Fellow funding schemes and through participation in strategically selected international joint calls. International cooperation forms a natural part of research in the fields of natural sciences and engineering. The Scientific Council’s international policy follows the Academy of Finland international policy for 2017–2021 (pdf) (particularly sections 1 and 3).
In promoting cooperation, the Scientific Council pays particular attention to the quality and added value of the cooperation. The Scientific Council also promotes international cooperation in the European Research Area, between the Nordic countries and with other international actors.
The Scientific Council monitors the effects and impact of its international activity annually by means of information obtained from research reports, separate studies and meetings with researchers. Read more about the meeting held on 15 November 2022 between the Scientific Council and the principal investigators funded under international joint calls, and see the presentations given at the meeting.
Information on upcoming calls is posted on the Research Council’s’s website and Twitter account.
Calls in which the Scientific Council participated in 2013−2022:
- Academy of Finland-NSF joint call: artificial intelligence and/or wireless communication technologies 2022
- M-ERA-NET 3 2022
- Tandem Forest Values 3 2021
- Solar-driven chemistry 2021/2022 (SDC2)
- ERA PerMed – Personalised Medicine 2021
- List of funded projects
- ERA-NET CoFund QuantERA 2021
List of funded projects - Academy of Finland – NSF joint call pilot: artificial intelligence and wireless communication techno
List of funded projects - Targeted Academy Project 2020: International Co-Investigator Scheme for Finnish-Norwegian research cooperation in engineering
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund CHIST-ERA 2020
List of funded projects - ERA PerMed – Personalised Medicine 2020
List of funded projects - TandemForestValues II 2019
List of funded projects - Solar-driven chemistry 2019
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund CHIST-ERA 2019
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund CHIST-ERA 2018
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund QuantERA 2017
List of funded projects - ICT2023/WiFiUS, Wireless Communications 2016
List of funded projects - ICT2023/WiFiUS, Wireless Communications 2014
List of funded projects - Joint Project Call: Materials Research 2014 (Academy of Finland and FAPESP)
List of funded projects - WoodWisdom-Net+ 2014
List of funded projects