ForestValue – Joint Call 2021 in forest-based bioeconomy

19 January 2021
13 April 2021 at 13.00 CEST

The ForestValue ERANET, a network of European funding organisations, has launched a joint call on forest-based bioeconomy. The Academy of Finland will participate in the call.

The Academy's funding for the call comes to a total of 750,000 euros for three years. Individuals may be applicants only in one proposal. The maximum sum granted per proposal is 250,000 euros. The funding period starts in early 2022.

Consortia must include at least three independent legal entities applying for funding from three different countries with funding agencies participating in the call.

For more details on the call themes, participating countries, schedule, preparation and submission of proposals, please see the ForestValue website.

Inquiries and more information

  • ForestValue Joint Call 2021
  • Tuula Aarnio, Programme Manager, tel: +358 295 335 146
  • Risto Vilkko, Programme Manager, tel: +358 295 335 136

Our email adresses are in the format firstname.lastname(at)

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