CHANSE call for transnational research projects: Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age

9 March 2021
7 May 2021
36 million euros in total
24–36 months from Sep–Oct 2022

This call will provide funding for international research projects under the theme ‘Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age’.

Applications must involve partners from at least four countries. The terms and conditions of the call mainly follow the guidelines applicable to the Academy of Finland’s Academy Project funding.

The call has two stages. The first stage opens in March 2021 and closes on 7 May 2021. The second call stage will open in September 2021, and the funding decisions will be made in April–May 2022. The funding periods will start in autumn 2022.

 ‘Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age’ is a programme within the CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) consortium, co-created by the HERA and NORFACE networks. The programme involves 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. The programme is coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). The total call budget comes to 36 million euros, consisting of national allocations complemented by up to 10 million euros in co-funding from the European Commission.

The Academy of Finland’s Research Council for Culture and Society is prepared to fund about five Finnish subprojects in the programme with a total of up to 1.2 million euros.

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