Research infrastructures
Research infrastructures are instruments, equipment, information networks, databases, materials and services that serve to facilitate research, promote research collaboration and reinforce research and innovation capacity and know-how.
Research infrastructure services also play an important role in society: they promote digitalisation and the achievement of sustainable development goals, the strengthening of economic renewal and the development of education.
The Finnish research infrastructure landscape includes international, national, local and regional infrastructures.
Research infrastructure projects that submitted their final report between 2019 and 2023 achieved, at least:
- 668 new technologies
- 91 patents
- 596 invention notifications
- 120 speech and text databases
- 262 FTEs
- 7,000 scientific publications
- 2,650 other publications.
There was also extensive cooperation, at least:
- 850,000 users
- 850 business users
- 3 million data downloads
- 3,460 partners, of which
- 55 % new partners
- 50 % international partners
- 13 % companies or private parties.
The research infrastructure projects that were reported on between 2019 and 2023 received a total of 87.5 million euros in funding.
Source: Academy of Finland, FIRI final reports 2019–2023 (n = 64)
Read more about the impact of research infrastructures from the Roadmap for Finnish Research Infrastructures 2021–2024.
Read more about the Strategy for National Research Infrastructures in Finland 2020–2030
Read more about research infrastructures.