What should be considered in communicating about the project?

Communication and visibility are closely linked to EU programmes. All beneficiaries of EU funding have a general obligation to indicate the origin of the funding and to ensure visibility of the funding received from the EU. Communication should highlight how the project contributes to the implementation of EU priorities.

In accordance with the RRF conditions, the beneficiary of the funding shall, in all communications of the project, display the origin of the funding and ensure visibility of the European Union funding by presenting both the Union logo and the words ‘Funded by the European Union — NextGenerationEU’.

During spring 2023, the Research Council of Finland will provide communication materials for the RRF-funded projects. These materials can be used to ensure that the project is communicating in accordance with the EU conditions.

The EU logo

The EU logo is the main visual symbol showing the origin of the funding and ensuring visibility of the European Union and EU funding. All beneficiaries, managing authorities and implementing partners of EU funding must use the EU logo in their communications. Beneficiaries of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility shall use the following Union code for their communication: Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

The Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland logo

The Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland logo and visual materials can be used in addition to the EU logo when it is intended to highlight the programme. The materials are intended to be used for the communication of participants in the programme.


Infographics on EU Recovery and Resilience Facility have been published on the website of the Council of the European Union and the European Council. Their use in communication is authorised provided that the source is acknowledged.

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