New website opens door to results from strategic research

14 Oct 2021

A new website called (“solutions from science”) has been launched to present results produced in research programmes funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC). The website also provides links to further reading and sources on the topics presented and offers phenomenon-oriented information and research-based solutions to topical issues in our society. The site is available in Finnish only.

Find the latest research data, policy briefs and experts

The website has been built to respond to challenges identified in the interfaces between research and policymaking. In decision-making and policy preparation, the challenge is often to find the most recent and most essential information at the right time and in a concise form. Another challenge is to find experts for consultations and hearings, for example.

For researchers, a challenge is often how to deliver the results of their research to decision-makers and how younger researchers, in particular, could be identified as experts among those involved in policy processes.

Thematic sections help in navigating the website

The website is based on the solutions cards of strategic research, which were published in printed form for the first time in February 2019. The work to develop the website and digitalise the solution cards was started in 2020. The website will develop continuously as new strategic research programmes start and as projects move forward in their research and interaction work.

The website is divided into four thematic sections: disruptions in technology, economy and work; active citizenship and changing governance; environmental change and natural resources; and welfare and equality. The sections are based on the solution cards, where SRC-funded researchers and programme directors have summarised key results from the research. The cards provide a way to access further information, such as policy briefs and other publications that shed light on the research results. Each solution card also includes the projects that studied the subject and links to project presentations and contact details.

Find your way to results and solutions from strategic research

The new site has been produced especially for policymakers and those involved in preparing decisions. It also provides interesting content for all those interested in research-based solutions and broad societal issues. For example, the website can offer journalists, teachers and students a new way to access information on strategic research and its results.

Visit the Finnish-language website at The cards will be updated and new policy briefs added on a regular basis.

You can also find social media updates about solutions from science with the hashtag #RatkaisujaTieteestä.

The website is part of programme of the Year of Research-Based Knowledge.


  • Helen Metsä, Coordinator, tel. +358 295 335 063
  • Milja Saari, Senior Science Adviser, tel. +358 295 335 123

Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname(at)

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