Competence-Based Growth Through Integrated Disruptive Technologies of 3D Digitalization, Robotics, Geospatial Information and Image Processing/Computing - Point Cloud Ecosystem (COMBAT/Pointcloud)

Public description of the goals at the beginning of the project

More than 15 professors and 20 Dr.Sc./PhD from Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, University of Oulu, Aalto University, University of Turku and foreign universities are creating together new breakthroughs by combining 3D technologies, robotics and computing methods for 3D Finland, digitalization of 3D forests and corridor measurements. Project has about 40 stakeholders including end-users, decision makers, export industry, business angels and companies. Project aims at creating new competence-based employment, savings in the public sector, several success stories together with industry and top quality publications.

Public description of the results at the end of the project

The COMBAT/Pointcloud project was a research project on point cloud modeling and 3D digitization in cities, forests and corridors. The aim of the project was to make scientific and economic breakthroughs, serve employment, cooperate with industry and provide information to support decision-making in four sectors: 1) We supported the digitalisation of the forest industry, strengthening Finland's position as the best international expert and promoting 3D forest technology exports. 2) We developed Finnish data products for river mapping, which improve the cost efficiency of the public sector by automating the monitoring of the river environment and improve the competence of actors. 3) We developed new city model applications, production processes and publishing platforms to support urban planning and decision making. 4) We developed mapping technology for corridors and their environments; we automated the inventory, mapping and visualization of power lines, streets and their immediate surroundings.

More information

  • Consortium's website
  • Consortium PI Harri Kaartinen, Research Professor, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI, firstname.lastname(at)

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