A Climate-Neutral and Resource-Scarce Finland (PIHI)
The sustainable use of natural resources and the mitigation of climate change require a climate-neutral and resource-scarce society. A circular economy involves efficient recycling of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources and making full use of material and energy flows. The strategic research programme A Climate-Neutral and Resource Scarce Finland is designed to support these objectives. The research consortia are expected to address the following questions:
- How can we improve resource efficiency and support the move towards a circular economy, which will serve to boost exports and competence-based growth in Finland?
- What are the requirements for climate neutrality and resource efficiency in society?
- In what ways can the public sector best support the overall transition so as to maintain a well-managed move towards a climate-neutral and resource-scarce society?
Another goal of the programme is to find ways to ensure that businesses, employees, the public sector and consumers possess the resources and skills that best promote adaptation to climate change and the transition to a climate-neutral and resource-scarce society.
Transition to a Resource Efficient and Climate Neutral Electricity System (EL-TRAN)
Consortium PI: Pami Aalto, Tampere University
Responsible for interaction activities: Matti Kojo, Tampere University
Consortium composition: Tampere University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, University of Turku, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth (SmartSea)
Consortium PI: Jari Haapala, Finnish Meteorological Institute
Responsible for interaction activities: Simo-Matti Siiriä, Finnish Meteorological Institute
Consortium composition: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finnish Environmental Institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, University of Helsinki, Geological Survey of Finland, University of Turku, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Sustainable, Climate-Neutral and Resource-Efficient Forest-Based Bioeconomy (FORBIO)
Consortium PI: Heli Peltola, University of Eastern Finland
Responsible for interaction activities: Jyrki Kangas, University of Eastern Finland
Consortium composition: University of Eastern Finland, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland, European Forest Institute, Finnish Environmental Institute
Novel Protein Sources for Food Security and Climate (ScenoProt)
Consortium PI: Anne Pihlanto, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Responsible for interaction activities: Titta Tapiola, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Consortium composition: Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Turku, University of Jyväskylä, University of Helsinki, Makery Oy, The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
The project chosen in the 2016 supplementary call:
Closing the Loop for High-Added-Value Materials (CloseLoop)
Consortium PI: Maarit Karppinen, Aalto University
Responsible for interaction activities: Minna Lammi, University of Helsinki
Consortium composition: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Aalto University, University of Helsinki
More information
- Programme Director Mikael Hildén, Director, firstname.lastname(at)ymparisto.fi