Inclusive Promotion of Health and Wellbeing (PROMEQ)

Public description of the goals at the beginning of the project

The PROMEQ project develops evidence-based and cost-effective models of health and wellbeing promotion that are able to talk to and assimilate vulnerable groups and motivate and empower positive transitions in peoples health and wellbeing. Four groups at risk of health inequalities and lowered quality of life are targeted: young people not in education, not employed, nor in training (NEET), basic unemployment benefit recipients, adult refugees, and multi-users of social and health care. While the focus is on high risk groups the results will have universal application. The interventions will be delivered through Public-Private-People -partnership across three social and health care regions and two cities. A theory-based systemic and participatory approach on reducing the inequalities will be developed and tested, new information on reasons of health inequities will be provided, as well as recommendations for policy and future strategies to promote health and wellbeing.

Public description of the results at the end of the project

Inclusive promotion of health and wellbeing (PROMEQ, 2016-2019) tested a comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing using theories of social quality and quality of life. Using social marketing tools, PROMEQ developed several experiments and tested their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for promotion of health and wellbeing as well as to diminish social inequalities in health. We also developed a maturity analyse tool for municipalities and areas to improve the effectiveness of their health and wellbeing strategies. Based on our results, the effectiveness of health and wellbeing promotion could be improved by utilizing comprehensive theoretical approach to health and wellbeing. Inclusive methodologies could be utilized to develop effective and cost-effective policies and means to promote health and wellbeing among vulnerable groups. The maturity analyse tool can help municipalities and areas to improve and follow the effectiveness of their strategy work.

More information

  • Consortium´s website
  • Consortium PI Marja Vaarama, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

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