Healthy Lifestyles to Boost Sustainable Growth (STYLE)
Public description of the results at the end of the project
The goal of the STYLE project is to promote active lifestyles and support Ministry of Transport & Communication strategy to increase the share of walking and cycling. Promoting active lifestyles require several, simultaneous, effective measures at both national and local levels. Physical activity can be promoted, e.g., by means of financial incentives and in education. The most inactive groups should be identified and provide them with services, such as lifestyle counseling. In cities, physical activity is promoted by planning dense urban structure for short distances, improving the conditions for walking and bicycle traffic, and limiting car use. Sports clubs can contribute to promoting physical activity of children and young people by organising activities in a more versatile and sustainable way, e.g., by making physical education a more shared responsibility, by keeping children involved in club activities for longer period, and by combining active mobility with club activities.
Public description of the goals at the beginning of the project
The Healthy Lifestyles to Boost Sustainable Growth (STYLE) project combines objective measurements of citizens’ physical activity with interventions aiming at increased physical activity and modal shift from cars to more sustainable modes of transport, walking and cycling. We generate new knowledge by analyzing together the measurements with the databases of national travel surveys and urban fabrics. Urban fabrics and new mobility services have an important effect on the set of alternatives that the citizens can choose from. Moreover, the STYLE project will dig deeper to fundamental human motives and emotions that drive human choices. Knowledge of the physical activity and travel behavior trends and scenarios of the future are essential information to businesses providing services for physical activity and mobility management, as well as infrastructure building. The STYLE project will invite surprising combinations of actors for generating synergetic business ecosystems.
More information
- Consortium's website STYLE
- Consortium PI Petri Tapio, Professor, University of Turku, firstname.lastname(