Creative Adaption to Wicked Socio-Environmental Disruptions (WISE)

Public description of the goals at the beginning of the project

WISE aims 1) to improve decision making over wicked socio-environmental disruptions and the evaluation of decision outcomes, and 2) to build-up resilience and adaptation to wicked socio-environmental disruptions. WISE develops and tests a new national-level integrative policy mechanism, Policy Operations Room (POR), which has the capacity to design rapid, evidence-based adaptation policies to unexpected socio-environmental disruptions with multiple drivers and impacts. POR consists of war-room-like emulation exercises in which participants mimic how they would decide in a real-life disruption. POR draws on national and international experts to provide a test bed for integrating rapid and comprehensive science advice to the most complex policy challenges facing a small and transnationally exposed nation state like Finland.

More information

  • Consortium's website
  • Consortium PI Janne Hukkinen, Professor, University of Helsinki, janne.i.hukkinen(at)

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