Call opens for second funding period within SRC programme Keys to Sustainable Growth (GROWTH)

1 Jun 2021

The consortia of the SRC programme GROWTH, which received funding in a supplementary call in 2018, have progressed to the mid-term review phase. The call for the second funding period opens on 4 June and closes on 23 June.

Programmes funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) typically have two funding periods. The consortia submit a separate application to the SRC to receive funding for the second funding period. The call is open to invited applicants only, that is, to projects funded during the first period.

The opening of the call was postponed due to the surprising news that the General Government Fiscal Plan, adopted on 12 May, involves a substantial cut in the SRC’s budget authority. Although, according to the current plan, the cuts will only enter into force as of 2023, the SRC wanted be sure that the 2021 funding budget would not be affected before it decided to open the GROWTH extension call. Based on the information currently available, it has been estimated that the call can be opened.

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